Attems Pinot Grigio 2021

The colour is pale gold. On the nose white melon, peach and apricot. In the mouth smooth, mineral and savoury. The aftertaste is pleasant and medium long.

This Pinot Grigio is made by Attems under the region-wide Friuli DOC, according to which the wine must be made with a minimum of 85% Pinot Bianco grapes. The rest can be any OANWG (allowable non-aromatic white grapes).

The origin of the wine tradition in the house of the Counts of Attems dates back to 1106, when Konrad de Attems received the land in the countryside near Gorizia as a gift from the Bishop of Salzburg. Vine-growing was already practiced back then, but commercial production of wine did not begin until 1935, when Douglas Attems inherited the business. In 1963, he promoted the creation of the Consorzio dei Vini del Collio, of which, two years later, he became its first president. A position he held till 1999. Since 2000 Attems has been owned by the Frescobaldi family.

For this bottle I paid 9.75 CHF at Coop, 30% off the original price of 13.95 CHF.

Country: Italy
Region: Friuli-Venezia Giulia
Grapes: Pinot Grigio
Type: White
Vintage: 2021
Producer: Attems
Price range: Economic (<15 US$)
Pascal’s Enjoyment Index: 4/5