Bersót 2020

The colour is medium gold. The bubbles very subtle. On the nose vinous and nutty notes. In the mouth refreshing, with an aftertaste that last quite a while.

What impressed me most about this wine when I first tasted it with the producer at the Gradizzolo winery in Monteveglio on the hills close to Bologna, has been the purity of aroma and taste for a wine that is 100% natural.

Antonio Ognibene has been producing fully natural wines since he started making wine more than 40 years ago. In the vineyard he has been practicing biodynamic for the last 20 years.

I found talking to Antonio very fascinating. He explained to me the philosophy behind the use of the Horn Manure in biodynamic. He did it showing understanding for my scepticism, which he partially shares, but at the same time explaining the practical evidence he experiences literally on the ground.

In the past I’ve tasted quite a few natural or supposedly so wines, somehow they all had some unpleasant aromas and/or flavours. Not the ones of Antonio. His are very well made and enjoyable.

Bersót is made under the generic Emilia IGP denomination with 100% Pignoletto/Grechetto Gentile grapes using the ancestral méthode. At the winery it sells for 8 EUR.

Country: Italy
Region: Emilia-Romagna
Grapes: Pignoletto/Grechetto Gentile
Type: White
Vintage: 2020
Producer: Gradizzolo
Price range: Economic (<15 US$)
Pascal’s Enjoyment Index: 5/5