Sfursat 5 Stelle is produced by Nino Negri and is the most prestigious wine of Valtellina, a district in the Lombardy region of northern Italy. Continue reading “Sfursat 5 Stelle 2009”
Tasting Notes of Wines around the World
Sfursat 5 Stelle is produced by Nino Negri and is the most prestigious wine of Valtellina, a district in the Lombardy region of northern Italy. Continue reading “Sfursat 5 Stelle 2009”
A medium wine with plenty of awards: trebicchieri Gambero Rosso, Gold Medal Expovina, Gold Medal Mundusvini, Gold Medal Berliner Wine Trophy. Continue reading “Vigna Pedale 2015”
Nebbiolo is one of the most prestigious grape varieties of Italy. Continue reading “Nebbiolo”
Fabelhaft is a very successful story. Continue reading “Fabelhaft 2018”
A “corked” wine, which smells like wet newspaper/cardboard, is the result of the presence of a chemical called TCA (2,4,6 trichloranisole). While unpleasant, cork taint is not in any way harmful to humans. Today several procedures and treatments are in place to render cork less susceptible to developing cork taint, but it can still happen. As it has been the case with this bottle. Continue reading “La Petite Chapelle 2009”
Since everyone brought a bottle of his choice, we ended up without any Syrah from the Rhône Valley. Continue reading “Syrah/Shiraz”
Culdrée is made with Merlot grapes by Enrico Trapletti, who founded his winery in 1992. Continue reading “Culdrée 2012”