Cirò Tenuta Iuzzolini 2021

The colour is medium ruby. On the nose tea and sour cherries. In the mouth light but smooth. The aftertaste is short.

This wine is made mainly with Gaglioppo grapes, under the denomination Cirò DOC of Calabria.

The origins of Gaglioppo are unclear. The traditional theory is that the variety arrived with Aglianico at the time of the ancient Greeks occupation of southern Italy (Magna Grecia). However, recent DNA testing suggests that it is more likely to be one of the many descendents of Sangiovese. A third theory is that both are true and that Gaglioppo is the result of a cross-pollination between Sangiovese and an unknown variety from Greece.

Gaglioppo grapes must constitute at least 80% of the blend of a red Cirò DOC wine. The remaining 20% can be any other authorized red grape. Of this, only 10% may be Barbera, Sangiovese, Cabernets Franc or Sauvignon, and/or Merlot. Previously small amounts of white varieties such as Greco Bianco and Trebbiano Toscano were also allowed.

For this bottle I paid 5 EUR at the winery, when I visited Calabria during my Eastern Holidays.

Country: Italy
Region: Calabria
Grapes: Gaglioppo
Type: Red
Vintage: 2021
Producer: Tenuta Iuzzolini
Price range: Economic (<15 US$)
Pascal’s Enjoyment Index: 2/5