Giusto di Notri 2013

The colour is deep garnet. On the nose quite opulent: black cherries, cassis, dark chocolate, leather, among other aromas. In the mouth fresh with a good structure. The aftertaste is a bit bitter and last less than you would expect.

Giusto di Notri 2013 is a blend of 65% Cabernet Sauvignon, 25% Merlot and 15% Cabernet Franc. It is made by Tua Rita winery under the Toscana Rosso IGT denomination.

Tua Rita winery started in 1984 as a garage winery. Thanks to the quality of the product (and most likely good marketing in America), it expanded from the original two to thirty hectares of vineyards.

Toscana IGT is the most popular and famous of Italy’s Indicazione Geografica Tipica (IGT) titles. It encapsulates the entire region. The Toscana IGT label is in fact permitted on wines produced in any of Tuscany’s ten provinces. Free from the stylistic constraints imposed on DOCG and DOC wines, Toscana IGT wines can be made in almost every form imaginable.

When the Italian DOC system was introduced in the 1960s, it was not well-received by all. Many Italian wine producers found the new rules too restrictive and openly criticized the system. A number of these, most notably in Tuscany, chose to continue focusing on quality and individuality rather than conforming to their local DOC laws. During the late 1960s, a number of these “rebel producers” began making modern-styled wines of very high quality, which later became known as “Super Tuscans”. These were well received internationally and their prices skyrocketed.

For this bottle I paid 69.90 CHF at Globus five years ago.

Country: Italy
Region: Tuscany
Grapes: Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Cabernet Franc
Type: Red
Vintage: 2013
Producer: Tua Rita
Price range: Extra (50-100 US$)
Pascal’s Enjoyment Index: 3/5