Jasci Pecorino Bio 2017

The colour is pale straw. On the nose jasmine and linden mixed with ananas and a bit of liquorice. In the mouth more filling than you would expect at the first sight. Crispy and fresh, with a drying/prickly finish, which to me spoils a bit the overall enjoyment. On the other side, it pairs well with some charcuterie.

Pecorino is one of those grape varieties that have been cultivated for centuries, but got almost extinguished due to low yield. Thanks to the increase in wealth and purchasing power of the ‘80-‘90s and the devotion of a dedicated winegrower, Pecorino got rescued from extinction and developed a market for people who like to drink wines made with grapes other than the well know international ones, like Chardonnay and Sauvignon Blanc.

This specific etiquette is produced for Coop under its Bio certification. A market for which there is an increasing potential, although the fact that a wine is produced with Bio grapes doesn’t guarantee that during the production process chemicals are not used. As I suspect it has been the case with this wine.

I personally don’t understand why a bottle of wine doesn’t list all its contents, as nowadays is common for most foods and beverages. Could it be because of some lobbing? I suspect that knowing what is in the bottle in addition to the grapes would deprive quite a few wines of most of its mystique.

In any case, for 9.95 CHF at Coop, in my view this wine offers a fairly good price-quality ratio.

Country: Italy
Region: Abruzzo
Grapes: Pecorino
Type: White
Vintage: 2017
Producer: Jasci
Price range: Economic (<15 US$)
Pascal’s Enjoyment Index: 3/5