Mazane 2015

On the nose at first it smells like blood, which pairs well with the color. After it gets some air, the aroma leans towards strawberries. In the mouth refreshing. Not much to praise or criticise, as it is the case with water. No aftertaste worth mentioning neither: a bit of sour cherry, but not much.

This wine is produced with Marzemino grapes under the Garda Marzemino DOC by Costaripa. I received this bottle as a gift from a dear friend, who wanted to share a product specific of his region and was interested in my opinion. I don’t know the exact price, but it should be around 13 EUR, which to me is too high.

Albeit Marzemino is found throughout all northeastern Italy, as a varietal wine is produced mainly in the Trentino region. Although it can deliver a pleasant experience, Marzemino is one of those wines you tend to drink while in the producing region, but hardly feel like taking home. Probably because they are a bit too simple and don’t have anything that make them stand out among the multitude of similarly economic and enjoyable regional wines.

That there isn’t much to say about it, is also shown by the fact that I feel like cutting this post short.

Country: Italy
Region: Lombardy
Grapes: Marzemino
Type: Red
Vintage: 2015
Producer: Costaripa
Price range: Economic (<15 US$)
Pascal’s Enjoyment Index: 2/5