Buttafuoco 2017

The colour is medium ruby. On the nose cherries, blackberries and some toasted notes. In the mouth rather light and thin, but refreshing. The alcohol is a bit too high. The aftertaste is pleasantly fruity, but fades away quickly.

This wine is made under the Buttafuoco dell’Oltrepò Pavese DOC. It is a blend of Croatina, Barbera and Uva Rara. Continue reading “Buttafuoco 2017”

Vignamorello 2019

The colour is deep ruby. On the nose, aroma of ripe amarena, blueberries and plums. In the mouth, bitter and astringent, a remarkable contrast to the intensely fruity nose. The aftertaste is rather short.

Gutturnio is a DOC of the hilly vineyards south of Piacenza, in western Emilia-Romagna. Barbera must account for 55-70% of the blend, with the lesser known Croatina contributing 30-45%. Continue reading “Vignamorello 2019”