Quater Vitis Rosso 2016

The colour is deep ruby. On the nose cherries soaked in alcohol, with the addition of nutmeg, cinnamon, tobacco and cacao. In the mouth dense, rich and fruity. The aftertaste lasts for a while.

I appreciated the first glass of this bottle in Cefalù, facing the town and the sea from the balcony of a very nice hotel room. During the day I visited the Firriato winery on Mount Etna. A day with a lot of driving. Continue reading “Quater Vitis Rosso 2016”

Siccagno 2019

The colour is medium ruby. On the nose barnyard and vinaigrette typical of natural wines. With some air, some more pleasant aromas of black cherries, liquorice and chilli pepper appear, but you have to sniff carefully to find them. In the mouth light and acidic. Not much aftertaste worth mentioning. Continue reading “Siccagno 2019”

Due Lune 2020

The colour is deep purple. On the nose strawberries, raspberries, banana and chocolate. In the mouth savoury, with a good structure and a pretty long aftertaste.

This Sicilian wine is made by Cantina Cellaro with Nero d’Avola and Nerello Mascalese grapes.

Nerello Mascalese is a highly regarded dark-skinned grape variety that grows most commonly on the volcanic slopes of Mount Etna in Sicily. Continue reading “Due Lune 2020”

Judeka 2016

On the nose strawberry jelly with some herbs mixed in. In the mouth light from start to finish. The aftertaste is very discreet, with the strawberry coming back to say goodbye. Certainly not an intellectual wine, but in its simplicity is a fresh and clean wine that can be enjoyed during a light meal with friends. Continue reading “Judeka 2016”