Quater Vitis Rosso 2016

The colour is deep ruby. On the nose cherries soaked in alcohol, with the addition of nutmeg, cinnamon, tobacco and cacao. In the mouth dense, rich and fruity. The aftertaste lasts for a while.

I appreciated the first glass of this bottle in Cefalù, facing the town and the sea from the balcony of a very nice hotel room. During the day I visited the Firriato winery on Mount Etna. A day with a lot of driving. Continue reading “Quater Vitis Rosso 2016”

PerricOne 2015

This wine displays a purple-ruby colour. On the nose it is vinous, with a predominance of cherries accompanied by some roses and herbs. In the mouth it shows a medium body, a good acidity and firm tannins. It finish with a pleasant mild bitterness and drying sensation.

Perricone is a difficult to cultivate, low yield red wine grape variety grown in southwestern Sicily. Continue reading “PerricOne 2015”