Attems Pinot Grigio 2021

The colour is pale gold. On the nose white melon, peach and apricot. In the mouth smooth, mineral and savoury. The aftertaste is pleasant and medium long.

This Pinot Grigio is made by Attems under the region-wide Friuli DOC, according to which the wine must be made with a minimum of 85% Pinot Bianco grapes. The rest can be any OANWG (allowable non-aromatic white grapes). Continue reading “Attems Pinot Grigio 2021”

Ograde 2019

The colour is medium copper. A bit cloudy. On the nose candied citrus-fruits, strawberries, mango, orange marmalade and resin. In the mouth fresh and surprisingly tannic for a white wine. It leaves a drying sensation. The aftertaste is medium long. This wine is very peculiar.

Ograde is an orange wine made with each 25% Vitoska, Malvasia, Sauvignon and Pinot Grigio grapes. Continue reading “Ograde 2019”