Terra 2022

The colour is deep purple. On the nose cherries, blackberries and cinnamon. In the mouth light but pleasantly fruity. The aftertaste is short.

This red wine is made by Cantine Benvenuto under the Calabria Rosso IGP, which covers the entire region of Calabria.

Wines under this far-reaching wine denomination can by made with any proportions of red grape varieties approved for the region of Calabria. In this case, 60% Greco Nero and 40% Magliocco grapes.

Greco Nero is cultivated mainly in Calabria and is commonly used in blends. It is part of a large family of grape varieties, whose origin and dissemination, although uncertain, is considered to have derived from grapes imported from the Greek settlers that founded Magna Grecia.

Magliocco Canino (or simply “Magliocco”) is an ancient red variety grown predominantly in Calabria. It is considered a praiseworthy grape for blending.

For this bottle I paid 11 EUR at the winery, when I visited during my Eastern Holidays in Calabria.

Country: Italy
Region: Calabria
Grapes: Greco Nero, Magliocco
Type: Red
Vintage: 2022
Producer: Cantine Benvenuto
Price range: Economic (<15 US$)
Pascal’s Enjoyment Index: 2/5