Valdesil Godello Sobre Lias 2015

On the nose delicately perfumed, mineral-rich with citrus and herbal accents. In the mouth as elegant as on the nose, with a soft acidity and a clean, fairly long, finish. The wine has probably been enriched by the prolonged lees contact.

This varietal wine is made with Godello, a white grape variety thought to be indigenous of Galicia, the northwestern corner of Spain that borders with Portugal, where the grape is also cultivated and used to produce white dry wines as well as White Port.

Godello is probably a sibling of the Verdejo grape. When it got rescued in the 1970s, the grape was almost reaching extinction. Nowadays, Godello thrive especially in the Valdeorras DO. This is also the region where this wine is produced by Bodegas Valdesil, a winery that’s probably the biggest private owner of Godello vineyards.

I bought this bottle in the Gourmet section of El Corte Inglés in Palma de Mallorca for 14 EUR. Before purchasing this wine, I never even heard about the grape, although I already had an appreciation for wines based on Verdejo, its sibling. Judging from this single experience, wines made with Godello are certainly worth trying.

Country: Spain
Region: Galicia
Grapes: Godello
Type: White
Vintage: 2015
Producer: Bodegas Valdesil
Price range: Medium (15-30 US$)
Pascal’s Enjoyment Index: 3/5