Vecchia Torre Salice Salentino Riserva 2013

The colour is medium ruby. On the nose mainly chocolate and mocha, with some balsamic and smoky notes. In the mouth still fresh, although the flavours are fading away. The finish is a bit bitter and rather short.

This wine is classified as Salice Salentino DOP, which to me is confusing. It makes me wonder what the difference with Salice Salentino DOC is. After some research, my understanding is that DOP is a general concept that refers to an area and can be applied to many agricultural products. It is not limited to wines. DOC implies stricter rules and applies to wines only. In addition to the area of origin, the DOC denomination also comprises rules on how the wine has to be made. If my interpretation is correct, DOP is a wider concept that “includes” the DOC denomination.

This wine is made with 85% Negroamaro and 15% Malvasia Nera grapes, both dark-skinned varieties. Negroamaro has been associated with the Puglia region in southern Italy for at least 1500 years. Malvasia Nera is a member of the greater Malvasia family, an aromatic variety.

For this bottle I paid 6.95 CHF (41% off the regular price of 11.95 CHF) at Coop. I was curious to experience how a 7 years old Salice Salentino tasted. Although with aging it didn’t develop any complexity and it is starting to decline, this wine is still very enjoyable and at 7 CHF a good bargain.

Country: Italy
Region: Puglia
Grapes: Negroamaro, Malvasia Nera
Type: Red
Vintage: 2013
Producer: Cantina Vecchia Torre
Price range: Economic (<15 US$)
Pascal’s Enjoyment Index: 3/5