Vitigno Innominabile “Il Criccone” 2019

The colour is medium straw. On the nose melon, almond and ray. In the mouth refreshing but void of flavour. No aftertaste worth mentioning.

This white wine is made with Erbaluce grapes by Rovellotti winery, under the Colline Novaresi DOC.

Rovellotti winery is located in Ghemme. I visited the cellars while on holidays in the area. My host has been the co-owner Antonello, an eclectic character, with a very good sense for marketing. After all the underlying story is very appealing: the cellar is situated inside the historic Ricetto (fortified quarter) of Ghemme.

The Colline Novaresi denomination is located in Italy’s northwestern Piedmont region. It was granted DOC status in 1994. As the name indicates, it is based on the hills around the town of Novara. The red wines are dominated by Spanna, the local name for the Nebbiolo grape variety. Supporting roles are played by Barbera, Vespolina, Uva Rara (Bonarda Novarese) and Croatina. The white must be made entirely from Greco Novarese (Erbaluce).

Erbaluce is a crisp Italian grape variety that has been documented in Piedmont since 1606. It is used in the production of dry and sparkling wines. It gives its best under the Erbaluce di Caluso DOCG.

Locally Erbaluce enjoys a good reputation for fresh white wines, but is not widely planted outside northern Piedmont.

I don’t remember exactly how much I paid for this bottle at the winery, but should be around 11 EUR. Although not expensive, I find this wine overpriced.

Country: Italy
Region: Piedmont
Grapes: Erbaluce
Type: White
Vintage: 2019
Producer: Rovellotti
Price range: Economic (<15 US$)
Pascal’s Enjoyment Index: 2/5