Vorinos White 2016

On the nose pleasant aroma of peach and lime, with a freshness that continues in the mouth, where it finishes with a flavour of green apple. No much aftertaste, beside the refreshing sensation.

This wine is made 100% with Vidiano, an ancient white grape variety indigenous of Crete that some years ago almost got extinguished. Fortunately, a few Vidiano vines have been left in existence and nowadays there are signs of a small scale revival.

What is most special about Vidiano’s wines is the fact that, despite the warm and humid climate they come from, they tend to be remarkably fresh.

Vorinos is made by Silva Daskalaki, a winery that for the last 15 years has been practicing organic farming in its vineyards, therefore avoiding the use of any synthetic chemicals. Moreover, recently the family started applying biodynamic practices.

The term “biodynamic” is of Greek origin: it derives from the words bios=life and dynamis= force, energy. Biodynamic’s followers believe that the energy received by the plants from the Earth as gravity or from the outer Space as radiation has a major impact on their development. Supposedly, the Moon in particular affects the vines, through the gravitational pull that it exerts on their saps.

Typically, the biodynamic farmer consults a calendar that is based on the observation of the behavior of the planets and other celestial bodies. In this calendar he can find the favorable days and times, as well as the disadvantageous ones, for the agricultural works, like seedling transplanting, ploughing, pruning, harvesting, etc.

I bought this bottle for 7.50 EUR directly at the winery. This specific vintage of Vorinos White 2016 got awarded the Gold medal and the Special Award for the highest score for Vidiano wine at the International Wine Competition of Thessaloniki in 2017.

Silva Daskalaki Winery also produce a Vorinos Red, made with the local grapes Liatiko (50%) and Kotsifali (50%), that at the winery sells for 8 EUR. I drank the 2012 vintage and found it very enjoyable.

Country: Greece
Region: Crete
Grapes: Vidiano
Type: White
Vintage: 2016
Producer: Silva Daskalaki
Price range: Economic (<15 US$)
Pascal’s Enjoyment Index: 3/5